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.strength of your intention skills by theThen start the ball out small in size, and dimquality of the ball you build.Also as youin brightness, drawn from you by thisbegin opening the hand you will place therelaxed vacuum.As the hand opens fullytongue on the roof of your mouth and focusyou will intend it to grow larger andon breathing.The reverse breathing (seebrighter.This intention will remain as astanding meditation exercises) is preferredfocus point as you slowly press your handbut if you have not mastered this skill youforward to the full tan sau position.By thecan also perform the exercise with thetime your hand is in the tan sau position theregular breathing cycle.The breath is veryball should fill the hand and be as bright asrevealing.It is a physical manifestation ofthe sun.your mental state.The breath should NOTA good instructor will be able tobe forced, harsh, or tight in any way.Rathersense this ball and get a good idea of theit should be deep, gentile, and smooth.Si-Fu Baker at age 21 doing a flying kung fu kick at a beach in New Zealand Copyright  Scott Baker 200032it.The image of the vacuum in the handThe Tan Sausucking or drawing the elbow energy to it isuseful.Allow the energy to move within thearm and the body in distinct waves ofrelaxation and peace.It is useful to presencethese waves with the inhalation of thebreath.As you bring the elbow energyforward towards the hand draw the wave ofchi through the forearm bones, entering atthe opening at the back of the elbow.This iswhere your practice of bone marrowwashing in previous exercise will bevaluable.The water energy at the elbow willflow through the bones of the forearm intothe wrist, hand and fingers filling the bonesand then entering the ball through the centerof the palm.Allow the connection of thesetwo images to occur slowly.Intend the waterOnce the hand is fully open and thefrom the elbow into the bones and up theball is beginning to build you will addforearm gradually.You must deeply attendanother focal point to the two (your root andto the sensations these images create as theythe palm) you are currently holding.Youwill support and strengthen your intending.will now notice (attend to) the energy inThe waves of heavy water should fillyour left elbow.Relax it deeply withoutthe hand and enter the ball in the palm justloosing your position.Again use thebefore you complete the full tan sau.Youdissolving exercise to open the gates of themay be wondering where the elbow energyelbow energy and create a vacuum there.is drawn from.For beginners it is notOnce the energy there is relaxed and openimportant to imagine its source, theintend the elbow to get heavier, use anbeginners attention and intention will beimage of heavy water pooling in and aroundchallenged enough with simply feelingyour elbow.As you add this focus to theenergy to the elbow.But more advancedhand and root, begin to presence the armpractitioners can presence this elbow energyforward very slowly.You do this byfrom the waves of yang rising energyimagining that the water building in thecoming up from the root into the Dan-Tien.elbow is creating a soft pressure whichThis will be explained later in this exercise.gently pushes the arm forward.Once theYou will be holding all four imagesarm starts to move do not stop and start it.(sinking yin root, yang raising waves, heavyKeep the motion continuous, smooth andelbow, & the ball in the palm), attending and very slow.intending to each simultaneously throughoutYou can connect the image of thethe motion of the tan sau.By the end of theball in the palm with the one of the heavytan sau your breathing should be gentle,water in and around the elbow by intendingdeep and smooth.It must sound relaxed butthe water to flow up the inside of thefull, similar to the sound of someoneforearm into the hand to fill the ball.Thebreathing who is in a deep sleep.Also by theball in the hand should have a heavy feel toend of the tan sau you will likely notice aCopyright  Scott Baker 200033vibration beginning within your body.Oftenyou are huening you should slowly raise init will start within your legs but not always.your stance an inch or so.You will sinkThe vibration should resonate at a highback down when you begin the fook saufrequency and should not cause your body tomotion.Still maintain the rooting intention;jerk or move from its still, standing position.you are just raising up in the stance a smallIf jerking occurs it is a manifestationamount.For more advanced practitionersof either incorrect posture or tension, or athis raising is the result of the yang raisinglack of control over your energy.When youchi which balances the sinking root.Thiscorrect either of these, the jerking will stopraising energy comes in waves similar toand the vibration will be imperceptible towaves of water on a shore line.Theseanother person, unless they touch you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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