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. You don t have a fever. Sheheld her bottle of water out toward him. Here, sip some of this, and see if it helps.Stunned, he straightened. Are you all right? Of course.Why would you ask that? Cause she had never been this nice to him, ever.Honestly, it was scary.Was the apocalypsecoming?Was this Death in disguise screwing with him? Now that would make sense.There had to be somehorrifyingly foul reason why Ms.Hottie-Snotty was talking to him like he mattered. You and I don t normally hang out.She smiled. I know.My bad.But now that you re hanging with Tad, it s okay. Ah, that explained it.Tad Addams was one of the cool, rich kids.The older brother of Nick sfriend, Brynna, he d taken him to school with Casey the other day.Man, she was shallow.Most people didn t admit that about themselves.He had to give her creditthat at least she was honest.He shrugged the water away. I m fine. He indicated his arm in the sling. Pain got to me for aminute.But I m all good now. Oh, okay. She pulled the water back and cradled it against her breasts second thought, heshould have taken it. By the way, have you heard the latest gossip? That we have a new coach?She blinked at him with a vacuous expression. We have a new coach?Obviously not the gossip she d heard. Uh, yeah.Caleb told me about him. Oh, I hadn t heard that.Good.I know Stone and Rick were worried about us making it to Statethis year with the team down and the coach arrested.Stone &It took all Nick s willpower not to curl his lip at the mention of that pig.No, dog.He d just learnedlast night that Stone was a shape-shifting werewolf who was a pig in both incarnations.Not wanting to think about Stone and his running crew of imbeciles, Nick turned Casey back totheir original discussion. What did you hear? Oh, there s been a rash of thefts at school.Tanya went in to get her homework this morning fromthe office, and she overheard the secretaries talking about it.A bunch of lockers were broken into,and some things were taken out of classrooms. No kidding? She said it was a bad scene.Hope you had nothing in your locker worth stealing.He snorted.Yeah, right.He didn t own anything of value. Just books.They re free to take as manyof those as they want. I hear you.Oh, and she said we have a new principal they re bringing in from Baton Rouge.Hisname is get this Richard Head. She burst out laughing.Nick winced as he saw the detention train a-coming.Dick Head.Ah man, that was so wrong tohave a name like that and to go into education on a high school level.Twisted, twisted, twisted. AndI ll bet he has no sense of humor about it. You know it.But then again, you can call him Dick Head all you want and say you were onlyusing his name. True.Man, his parents must have hated his guts. Makes you wonder, doesn t it?It did, indeed. Well, I guess I better get going.I need to check in with my mom at work.Casey frowned. Can t you call her? It s her first day on this job, and I don t want to get her into trouble. If he got her fired again inless than twenty-four hours of losing her last job, she would absolutely kill him.Better to go poke hishead in the door to see what she was up to, then head over to Kyrian s to work. I ll catch you later.He started toward Ursuline. You mind if I walk with you?Nick s eyes widened as a total state of befuddled huh possessed him.Was he in the TwilightZone?  You want to walk with me?She smiled a smile that warmed him completely. Do you mind? Uh, no.  Cool. Then she did the most peculiar and amazing thing of all she stepped forward andwrapped her arm around his good one so that they could walk arm in arm. So, Brynna told me youhave a job.Aren t you young to be working?Am I in some alternative universe? Was his evil doppelg�nger going to shoot out of the alley andattack them like some character in a video game?All right, Grim.What s going on?Grim didn t answer.No one did.Casey stared up at him expectantly with a pair of goo-goo eyes that made his insides quiver.C mon, Nick.Answer her question. I ve had a job since I was twelve. Really? Her eyes brightened. That s so impressive.For the first time in his life, he actually felt proud. Well, I m the man of the house and I have totake care of my mom.I like buying her nice things, and I don t want to spend her money on her thatjust seems wrong to me. You know, it s so rare to find a boy who thinks that way.Last Christmas, Stone gave me hissister s earrings their mother had given her that she didn t want.I was so angry when I found out, Ididn t speak to him for two whole hours. Wow, two whole hours.You really punished him.She screwed her face up at him. Are you mocking me? I would never mock the homecoming queen, especially not when she s holding on to me.Why areyou doing that, by the way?She rubbed her hand up and down his biceps in a way that made him really uncomfortable. Youhave nice arms.Manly.Yeah, right.He had arms like the Flying Spaghetti Monster.Hardly manly.More like thin andstringy.She started stroking his biceps.Nick jumped away from her. Um, Casey.I m kind of seeing someone. Though they weren ttechnically going together, he had feelings for Nekoda, and he didn t want her to think he was two-timing her even though he wasn t single-timing her either.Okay, that didn t make sense.Still &Casey put her hands on her hips. Since when do you have a girlfriend? Don t you have a boyfriend? Not at the moment. There was no missing the invitation in her tone or the one in her eyes.It was so tempting.& But the one thing he knew about her and Stone was that they were constantlybreaking up and getting back together.Last thing he needed was to give Stone another reason to harasshim. Look, I really need to go.Before he could break clear, Casey pulled his phone out of his pocket with something thatsuspiciously felt like a grope.That and the hot look on her face sent a shiver over him.She put herphone number in and then added it to his speed dial. Call me sometime. This time when she slid the phone back in, there was no missing her grope.Rising up on her tiptoes, she nipped his chin with her teeth and tongue. But don t wait too long,Nick. Her breath went straight into his ear, making his entire body burn.Stunned, scared, and intrigued, he couldn t move as she sashayed down the street.She cast a lookat him over her shoulder and bit her lip in the most provocative way he d ever seen.Oh yeah, the world was definitely going to end.There had to be a countdown clock somewhere.  Cause stuff like this didn t happen to Nick Gautier.It was more believable that his classmates wereturning into zombies out to kill him than it was for Casey Woods to come on to him.Why?Yesterday he d been completely invisible to her.Today it was like someone had decloaked him inthe middle of enemy territory.Unsure of what to make of it all, Nick headed to Sanctuary.Home of the weirdest of weird. Is there no normality left anywhere?Relax, kid.Nick let out a relieved breath as he heard that familiar voice in his head. Ambrose, bro.Wherehave you been?Busy.Why? Have you missed me?Not really. I just had one of the hottest girls in school come on to me.Casey Woods? Yeah.How d you know?Relax.You ll end up taking her to your junior prom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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