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.Window managers also control the look and feel of X, letting youconfigure X to operate almost any way you desire.Some Linux users who areaccustomed to the look and feel of Microsoft Windows 9x use the FVWM window manager to establish a user interface that resembles that of Windows 9x, both inappearance and operation.Other Linux users prefer to avoid anything resembling aMicrosoft product.Table 6.1 describes the most popular Linux window managers.For detailed information about a variety of window managers, see the X11.Orgweb site at http://www.x11.org/wm/.Table 6.1: Popular Window ManagersWindow DescriptionManagerAfterStep Resembles the user interface of the NEXT computer (NEXTStep).BlackBox A small, simple, efficient window manager.Compatible with KWM.Enlightenment A highly configurable window manager.FVWM One of the most venerable and popular Linux window managers -small, efficient, and configurable.Can mimic the MicrosoftWindows 9x user interface.Not fully compliant with GNOMEdesktop.ICEWM A fast, small window manager especially popular among users ofDebian GNU/Linux.KWM A window manager that sports an accompanying desktop, KDE.The combination of KWM and KDE provides a robust and efficientuser interface.However, KWM includes some non-GPL code,inhibiting its adoption as the de facto standard Linux windowmanager.Not compliant with GNOME desktop.SCWM A window manager that has a powerful configuration language,based on the Scheme dialect of LISP.WindowMaker Resembles the user interface of NEXTStep.Compatible with KWM.At present, the two most important window managers appear to be FVWM andEnlightenment.The next two sections describe these window managers in moredetail.6.3.1 FVWMFVWM is perhaps the most popular Linux window manager.Several other windowmanagers have borrowed from its code base, so many of its capabilities are foundin other window managers.Although FVWM lacks the visual flashiness of morerecent window managers, it is robust and highly configurable.However, FVWM isnot fully compliant with the GNOME desktop; users who plan to use GNOMEmay prefer to choose a different window manager.6.3.2 Enlightenment Enlightenment is the window manager most often used with the GNOME desktop,which is described in the following section.Although Enlightenment is still underdevelopment, many Linux users find it stable enough for everyday use.Apart frombeing highly configurable, Enlightenment is written using CORBA (CommonObject Request Broker Architecture).Programs written in any language caninteract with Enlightenment via its CORBA interface.6.4 DesktopsA desktop is a set of desktop tools and applications.The Microsoft Windows 9xdesktop includes applications such as the Windows Explorer, accessories such asNotepad, games such as FreeCell and Minesweeper, and utilities such as theControl Panel and its applets.Although you can run X without a desktop, having adesktop helps you work more efficiently.The two most popular desktops used withX are KDE and GNOME.6.4.1 KDEKDE (the K Desktop Environment) is a freely available desktop that includesKWM, the K Window Manager, as an integral component.KDE provides a filemanager, a help system, a configuration utility and a variety of accessories andapplications, including:? Games such as Kmines, Kpoker, and Ktetris? Graphical applications such as Kfract, a fractal generator, and Kview, animage viewer? Multimedia applications such as Kmix, a sound mixer, and Kmedia, a mediaplayer? Network applications such as Kmail, a mail client, Knu, a network utility,and Krn, a news clientNew KDE accessories and applications are available almost weekly.Work isunderway on a complete open source office suite (KOffice) that runs under KDE.You can learn more about KDE and the status of KOffice by browsing the KDEweb site at http://www.kde.org/.Although KDE is freely redistributable, KDE uses the QT widget set to create userinterface controls.This presents a problem, because QT is distributed under a non-free license that many developers dislike.Therefore, the most popular desktopenvironment in the U.S.has been, and continues to be, GNOME rather than KDE.6.4.2 GNOMEGNOME is a freely available desktop that can be used with any of several windowmanagers, including Enlightenment.Unlike KDE, GNOME is open sourcesoftware.One of GNOME's most interesting features is session awareness.When you re-enter GNOME, it reconfigures your desktop to match the state at the time youexited, by launching each application that was open when you exited.GNOME even restores each application to its former state by, for example, moving to thepage that was open when you exited [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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