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.You have clearly communi-cated the desired outcome to Younger Selfthrough the language of ritual: chants, colors, in-cense, symbolic objects or actions, and so on.Butnothing can be accomplished without energy, soyou have raised power that is, Talking Self in-itiated the process and Younger Self raised thepower from outside sources in Nature.YoungerSelf then channelled the energy to the goalthrough High Self, which has the wisdom andknowledge to use it to manifest changes inside usor on the material plane.(In the case of magickfor someone else say, a healing the energy ischannelled to the High Self of the recipient.) Thenyour Talking Self returned from the altered statenecessary for participation in magick to ordinaryconsciousness.Thus ritual is a theater for the YoungerSelf, whereby you communicate concepts whichwords alone cannot convey.Magick is also a teameffort among various aspects of your Self, todirect energy into transforming reality.The important thing to understand is theprocess; but the precise forms of ritual vary fromgroup to group and tradition to tradition.Here, forexample, we have assembled the group (if notworking solitary) and cast the circle around them.But in many Wiccan traditions, the High Priestess(assisted by the High Priest) casts the circle, theninvites the coveners to enter through a createdgateway or portal.The important172 thing is that the circle was cast, to contain and fo-cus the power and keep out distractions.Preciselyhow it was done is not as important.Should youresearch other traditions of magick from variouscultures around the world, look for the commonelements in all of them.These are the foundationsof magick.173 174 11Spellcraft:The Techniques of MagickAt the heart of each ritual, unless it is aritual of celebration such as a Sabbat, is a spell a magickal working directed toward a specificgoal.A spell may be extremely elaborate or bare-bones simple, solemn or light-hearted, lengthy orquick.It may involve candles or herbs, crystals orparchment talismans, words of power or silentmeditation, runes or cord magick, dancing ordrumming, singing or chanting, or quiet breathingexercises.To an observer, it might look like adazzling theater production, full of music, speciallighting and choreographed dance and colorfulcostumes; or it might look like a person sitting inan empty room doing nothing.Yet all spells,whether they are ceremonial or hermetic in style,whether Nature-oriented or "kitchen-Witch" intone, all are aimed at vivid and accuratecommunication with Younger Self.175 The spells which follow are simply samplesfor you to consider; they can be worked "as is," butwill be more effective if you adapt them to yourown style.Any of them should be performed in thecontext of a fully cast circle, with asperging andQuarters and all the trimmings, at least until you aremore experienced and have a clear sense of whenthe circle is necessary and when it may be dispensedwith.The more emotional and psychic intensityyou can build, and the more clearly you focus onyour goal, the more effective your magick will be.Remember always to consider the ethics of a spellbefore it is cast.If there is any possibility that it willmanipulate or affect another individual without theirexpress, informed permission, then discard the spelland design a better one.You should of course spendas much time and energy planning how you will "actin accord" as you do planning the ritual.With these guidelines in mind, let us look ata few sample spells.A Spell to Become Calm and CenteredEquipmentA very smooth, rounded stone, smaller thanyour fist; and some soothing taped music.The SpellSit while holding the stone and listening tothe music in a quiet room at home, or in the176 outdoors if the weather is nice.Breathe deeplyand rhythmically.Begin inhaling through yourmouth, then exhaling through your nostrils with along, steady humming note.With each exhalation,make the note smoother and draw it out longer.Breathe your tension and anxiety into the stone.When you feel calm and centered, put the stoneon the ground, open the circle and walk away.Thestone will dissipate the tension into the Earth, tobe transmuted; if you wish, you can retrieve thestone in a day or two for later use.Acting in accordBe sure you are eating well (no sugar orchemicals, please!) and getting plenty of rest andexercise.Meditate on the causes of your upset,and either find ways to eliminate them from yourlife, or to transform your attitude and perceptionsso that they become positive for you.177 A Spell for Easing Grief or SadnessEquipmentAny memorabilia which tend to power-fully evoke the sadness: letters, pictures, gifts etc.;and an object which reminds you of someupcoming event which is likely to bring youpleasure (it can be a holiday month in the future,for example), blankets or pillows.The spellSit while holding the memorabilia, and al-low the feelings to come freely.Say aloud whyyou are sad.It's okay to cry, yell, or pound.Find akey phrase that expresses your grief and say it outloud, over and over.Now visualize yourself beingheld closely in the arms of the Mother Goddess,who rocks and comforts you.Swathe yourself inthe blankets and pillows, and rock gently back andforth as you feel Her warm embrace.178 After awhile, look at the memorabiliaagain, and recall that in the circle, all time is now.What you once had, you always have in yourheart, as long as you don't shut it out.What youwere given was real, and helped mold your life,and can never be taken away as long as youremember and cherish it.Remember the goodtimes, and when you are ready, thank the Ladythat you had them.Now bring out the object thatreminds you of the coming event: a visit to a fa-vorite friend or relative, a special holiday, or aconference that should be exciting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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