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.��The Virginia Assembly in 1776 relieved dissenters of paying taxes for themaintenance of the Anglican church and suspended the payment of public sal-aries to parish ministers as of 1 January 1777.6 For some time parish taxes forparsons salaries James Madison s   real monster of oppression   had beenthe central focus of dissenter petitions, although, as Rhys Isaac notes,   theestablishment was so entrenched before the Revolution that the Baptists neverdared even hint at aspirations to be relieved from taxes for the support of theChurch.  7 Nonetheless, mandatory taxes were the feature of the parish systemthat made the church and particularly the clergy most vulnerable to attack.8Opposition to taxes united diverse elements including religious dissenters ofall stripes, persons who had little or no empathy with institutional religion,and those congenitally ill disposed to taxes of any sort.Resistance to Britishtaxing measures from the Stamp Act onward further empowered this opposi-tion and afforded it an appealing principled rights-based rationale.9 The as-sembly continued the suspension of parsons salaries until1779 when, once andfor all, it put an end to the linchpin of the establishment.10The successful attack on clerical salaries, however, did not put an end to theAnglican establishment.During the war the Virginia Assembly, for example,continued to form new parishes: Kentucky, Washington, and Montgomery in1776; Fluvanna, Rockingham, Hampshire, Greenbrier, and Rockbridge in1777;Patrick and Lexington in 1778; St.Asaph in 1779, and, most astonishing of all,yet one more in 1790, Hardy Parish.11 In dividing Drysdale Parish in 1779 andAlbemarle Parish in1780, the assembly continued to order the dissolving of theincumbent vestry and the election of new vestries.For Albemarle, the assemblymandated that new vestrymen take oaths   to be conformable to the doctrineand discipline of the church of England.  12 Election of new vestries follow-ing dissolution of the old was ordered for Antrim, Westover, and St.Anne s(Essex) Parishes in1782, Lynnhaven Parish in1783, and South Farnum Parish in1784.13 As late as1778, a grand jury in Lancaster County was presenting personsfor failure to attend the parish church.14The question of public support of religion came again to the fore in 178485.In October 1784 the General Assembly granted a charter of incorpora-tion to the   Protestant Episcopal Church  whereby the pre-1777 propertiesof the parishes churches, chapels, churchyards and burial grounds, glebes,and furnishings were transferred to the Protestant Episcopal denomination.The measure repealed all previous establishment legislation and dissolved theparish vestries.It reconstituted vestries as local ruling bodies of the Epis-copal church through election by those subscribing themselves as Episcopa-.296 epilogue [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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