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. I m not playing games with you, che.I been honest with you at every turn.Even when I was trying to deceive you I was being honest. Remy cocked his headand narrowed his eyes. Can you say the same thing? Of course, Thiago said defensively as his mind tried to evaluate the truthof his own statement.He was pretty certain he hadn t misled any of the others in anyway, aside from& well, the obvious.He knew Remy wasn t as inept as he made out to be.And he knew Brandtwasn t as crazy as he made out to be.They all had their protective coatings, and 76 The ArcherAbigail Rouxthough Thiago hadn t yet deciphered what the other three men were using as theirshields, Thiago readily admitted that his was his suspicion.Some of his questions hadbeen warranted, like wanting to know about Shawn and Remy, but the truth was thatThiago did trust these men.He trusted them with his life at this point.He had to.Their knowledge and acceptance of his suspicion simply gave him some much neededleeway to work with.Remy made an odd hissing sound, like one used to shoo away a cat, and helooked pointedly at Thiago s hand still on his elbow. Shall I take you to bed with me, then? Or are you going to let go of my armnow?Thiago looked down at his hand but didn t remove it.When he looked backup Remy was smiling at him, one eyebrow raised questioningly. When you said youdid not take the Organization s offer, Thiago murmured, his fingers digging intoRemy s wiry muscles as he met his dark eyes,  what did you take instead? heinquired curiously. Why? Remy asked in confusion.Thiago could see a wariness creeping intothe Cajun s eyes that he had yet to see. Humor my curiosity, Thiago murmured.Remy gave his head a jerk to the side as his eyes searched Thiago scountenance. I took five more years of service, he answered finally. �Cu�l era �se? Thiago questioned in a stunned voice as he let his handdrop from Remy s arm. I signed on for five more years, Remy repeated slowly. Gil�n, Thiago breathed in something akin to horror. You fool.The kid was either crazier than Brandt or suicidal.All of Thiago s contractshad been six-month contracts in case of the very real possibility of burning out.Acommitment that long was simply loco.Something clicked as he looked into Remy s eyes, and Thiago finallyunderstood.Remy didn t expect to live through this mission.He hadn t expected to livethrough it before he had even accepted it.Thiago studied Remy s face intently in the flickering firelight. Why are you here, Remy? he asked softly. Where Shawn goes, I follow, Remy whispered in answer, not evenhesitating to answer. Bullshit, Thiago responded, though it came out uncertain and questioning. Truth, Remy corrected. This is not a mission we will all live through if The Archer 77Abigail Rouxwe do not work together.I will not see him die.And so, I will say nothing but thetruth.And I ask for it in return. Truth. Trust, Thiago.We must trust. Trust, Thiago repeated doubtfully. Are you the Archer, Thiago? Remy asked suddenly, with a glint ofmischief in his eyes.Thiago creased his brow in confusion and found himself smiling at thestraightforward query. No, he answered in slight bewilderment. No, I am not. Good, Remy said happily. I asked Shawn the same thing.Now you canask me, if you like.Thiago didn t quite know what to say. Are you? he asked. Am I what, Thiago? Remy asked, sounding like a teacher speaking to achild. Leave no room for prevarication, now, I am very good at it.Thiago snorted in amusement. Are you the Archer, Remy? he asked with agrin. No, Remy responded with something akin to glee. See how easy thatwas? Any more questions? Does Shawn have any idea that you re completely insane? Thiago asked inamusement. Probably.He is wicked quick like that, Remy answered with a grin.Thiago huffed and shook his head in exasperation.Remy looked at himsympathetically and reached out to grasp his forearm.He squeezed it and then let hishand slid up Thiago s arm until their hands were joined.Thiago stared down at theirjoined fingers, wondering just how long it had been since someone had touched himin order to comfort or console, and not just to fuck.He honestly couldn t remember. You will see, Remy told him quietly. Life is a whole lot easier whenyou re not all alone, Thiago.All you have to do is trust us.And we ll earn it.Ipromise you, we ll earn it.Thiago looked up to see Remy s sincere brown eyes watching him closely.He nodded and Remy let his hand go and moved away. Get some sleep, Thi, Remy said as he moved the ashes of the fire aroundjust enough to douse the flames. Can I call you that? You mind? he asked as hestood back up and turned to look at Thiago in the darkness. No, not at all, Thiago said, his voice gruff with an emotion he couldn tquite place.Was it& happiness? Relief? Camaraderie? 78 The ArcherAbigail RouxThiago watched Remy shuffle away toward the dark hallway and prepared tofollow him to bed when he thought of one last question. Hey, Remy? he whispered.Remy turned around to look at him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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