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.See Also: For information about using exports to supplement your backupstrategy, see Oracle8 Server Utilities.Enterprise Backup UtilityThe Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility is available to back up Oracle7 databases;it is not compatible with Oracle8 databases.See Also: For information about using the EBU to back up an Oracle7database, see the Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility Administrator s Guide.Recovery ManagerThe Recovery Manager utility manages the backup, restore and recoveryoperations of Oracle databases.Recovery Manager uses information about thedatabase to automatically locate, then back up, restore and recover datafiles,control files and archived redo logs.Recovery Manager gets the required information from either the databasescontrol file, or via a central repository of information called a recovery catalog,which is maintained by Recovery Manager.Using Oracle Enterprise Manager to Perform Recovery Manager BackupsYou can perform Recovery Manager backups using Oracle EnterpriseManager.Oracle Enterprise Manager-Backup Manager is a GUI interface toRecovery Manager that enables you to perform backup and recovery via apoint-and-click method.Choosing a Backup Method 5-3 See Also: For information about performing backup and recovery usingOracle Enterprise Manager, see the Oracle8 Enterprise Manager User s Guide.Recovery Manager is Different from Traditional Operating System BackupsRecovery Manager is a command line interface (CLI) that directs an Oracleserver process to back up, restore or recover the database it is connected to.The Recovery Manager program issues commands to an Oracle serverprocess.The Oracle server process reads the datafile, control file or archivedredo log being backed up, or writes the datafile, control file or archived redolog being restored or recovered.When an Oracle server process reads datafiles, it detects any split blocks andre-reads them to get a consistent block.Hence, you should not put tablespacesin hot backup mode when using Recovery Manager to perform open backups.See Also:  Fractured Block Detection During Open Database Backups inRecovery Manager on page 7-27Recovery Manager performs backup and recovery procedures, and greatlysimplifies the tasks administrators perform during these processes.Forexample, Recovery Manager provides a way to:" Configure frequently executed backup operations" Generate a printable log of all backup and recovery actions" Use the recovery catalog to automate both media restore and recoveryoperations" Perform automatic parallelization of backups and restores" Find datafiles that require a backup based on user-specified limits on theamount of redo that must be applied" Back up the database, individual tablespaces or datafilesBackups to DiskYou can use Recovery Manager to perform backups to disk.You don t need tointegrate Oracle with any Media Managers if you only intend to write backupsto disk.5-4 Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide Backups to Sequential MediaTo make backups to sequential media (such as tape) using Recovery Manager,you must have media management software integrated with the Oraclesoftware.Figure 5-1 shows the architecture for media management software integratedwith Oracle.Figure 5-1: Architecture for MML Integrated with OracleRecovery Oracle ServerMMLManager ProcessMedia ManagementServer SoftwareStandalone tapeor automatedtape libraryThe Oracle executable is the same one started when a user connects to thedatabase.The MML (Media Management Library) in the diagram aboverepresents Media Management vendor-supplied software that can interfacewith Oracle.Oracle calls MML software routines to back up and restoredatafiles to and from media controlled by the Media Manager [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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