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. I dare you, Sherashty, I dare you, he said softly. Come against mewith whatever forces you can muster.Do your worst.You will not getthrough.You hear me? You will not get through.And that is the oathof Anaxantis.Rullio was surprised when he saw the prince return, totallyrelaxed and seemingly not all that impressed by the news he hadbrought.Anaxantis stopped some distance from the group and called out. My lord of Brenx, a word in your ear, please.Rullio went up to him. 420 Andrew Ashling The preparations for the war will continue unabated.You willnot utter one word of what you have said to me to another living soul,the prince hissed in his ear,  or for that matter, to a dead one.You willnot speak about these matters, you will not think about them, youwill not dream about them.Disobey me at your life s peril.I will nothave you tortured, like my brother did.I will have you executed forhigh treason.You have the word of Anaxantis.Rullio had become white as a sheet.Yet the young noblemanwho hadn t been exceptionally intimidated by the high king himself,bounced back in seconds. But, your highness, what will you do if the Mukthar nationcomes against you with a hundred thou  I will raise an army of a hundred and fifty thousand, and I willbeat them. But you can not  What I can or can not, my lord, is my business.And I warn you,do not presume to meddle in my affairs. Ehandar, Rullio at once realized.He was about to protest further but Anaxantis raised his hand. That will be quite enough, my lord, he said tersely. Thisconversation doesn t need me anymore.He walked back to his men, leaving a confused Rullio standing byhimself. You blond devil, the young noble mused, not without someamusement. What happened? I m certain I left you on the edge ofdespair.You must have a trump card, or you would be devastated,unable to hide it.Your plans should be lying in ruins around you.Yetyou seem determined to follow them all the same.Are you that smart, Bonds of Fear 421or just that stubborn? How interesting.Anaxantis mounted Myrmos. I could raise a hundred and fifty thousand men, he thought, provided I had two, three years to do it in.As luck would have it thesolution is far more simple and far less costly.But first I must find outwhat exactly Damydas s mission is, though Brenx is probably right.Itfits in with what I suspected myself.Father must have told him to stopme at all costs, and knowing the Bloody Baron and his ways that meanshe will kill me.With a smile on his lips.I ll be waiting for him.Justoutside the border, before he has had a chance to invoke the powersof his autarchy.And I ll not be alone.We re near Mirkadesh.I ll collectsome fifty Clansmen, send the Mukthars to Lorseth under escort and.yes, what am I going to do with Brenx? We ll have to ride as if Zardokand his devils were chasing us, but with some luck we should be able toreach the border before Damydas does.His thoughts turned to Lorseth Castle.To the tower and itsoccupant. He ll have to wait just a while longer.Damn, I was almost homeand now.But I have to protect us both.It s not without danger whatI am about to undertake.If anything goes wrong.It doesn t bearthinking about.I should have made provisions for him sooner.Too latenow. Gentlemen, he said, and he smiled,  There s been a change ofplans.No rest for us, I m afraid.We ll have to ride the whole nightthrough.His men and the Mukthars looked expectantly at him. To Mirkadesh, he said, making a sign to start moving.He turned around in his saddle. 422 Andrew Ashling My lord of Brenx, he shouted,  are you coming with us, or areyou going to remain standing there, waiting for spring to arrive? Coming, your highness, coming. Bonds of Fear 423Mellar had only ten minutes ago relieved another Tribesmanand was still making himself comfortable.He sat behind someshrubbery where he could not be seen, but from where he himselfhad an excellent view of the back of the Guild Station.He had broughtsomething to drink and some food for later.His shift would last fourhours.His comrade had left a piece of tent canvas to sit upon while hekept an eye on the back wall of the hostelry, which judging by thesturdy walls, had once been a big, fortified farm.The windows wereclearly later additions.All seemed quiet, and he was just settling down for a boringwatch, when someone came around the corner.Mellar stretchedhis neck to have an unobstructed view [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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