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.And while they yet thought thereabout, again the heavens were opened and a 45 mandescended and entered into the tomb.And they that were with the centurion (or the centurion andthey that were with him) when they saw that, hasted to go by night unto Pilate and left thesepulchre whereon they were keeping watch, and told all that they had seen, and were in greatagony, saying: Of a truth he was the son of God.46 Pilate answered and said: I am clear from the blood of 47 the son of God, but thus it seemedgood unto you.Then all they came and besought him and exhorted him to charge the centurionand the soldiers to tell nothing of that they had 48 seen: For, said they, it is expedient for us toincur the greatest sin before God, rather than to (and not to) fall into 49 the hands of the peopleof the Jews and to be stoned.Pilate therefore charged the centurion and the soldiers that theyshould say nothing.XII.50 Now early on the Lord's day Mary Magdalene, a disciple (fem.) of the Lord-which, beingafraid because of the Jews, for they were inflamed with anger, had not performed at thesepulchre of the Lord those things which women are accustomed to do unto them that die and are51 beloved of them-took with her the women her friends and 52 came unto the tomb where hewas laid.And they feared lest the Jews should see them, and said: Even if we were not able toweep and lament him on that day whereon he was 53 crucified, yet let us now do so at his tomb.But who will roll away for us the stone also that is set upon the door of the tomb, that we mayenter in and sit beside him and perform 54 that which is due? for the stone was great, and we fearlest any man see us.And if we cannot do so, yet let us cast down at the door these things whichwe bring for a memorial of him, and we will weep and lament until we come unto our house.XIII.55 And they went and found the sepulchre open : and they drew near and looked in there,and saw there a young man sitting in the midst of the sepulchre, of a fair countenance and clad invery bright raiment, which said unto them: 56 Wherefore are ye come? whom seek ye? not himthat was crucified? He is risen and is departed; but if ye believe it not, look in and see the placewhere he lay, that he is not here: for he is risen and is departed thither whence he was sent.57Then the women were affrighted and fled.XV.58 Now it was the last day of unleavened bread, and many were coming forth of the city andreturning unto their 59 own homes because the feast was at an end.But we, the twelve disciplesof the Lord, were weeping and were in sorrow, and each one being grieved for that which had401 402befallen 60 departed unto his own house.But I, Simon Peter, and Andrew my brother, took ournets and went unto the sea: and there was with us Levi the son of Alphaeus, whom the Lord (ForFragment II see Apocalypse of Peter.)THE GNOSTIC SOCIETY LIBRARYMarcion: The Gospel of the LordArchive NotesThis document contains five of the original total twenty-one chapters.A very wellconstructed and annotated reconstruction of The Gospel of the Lord can also be found atThe Center for Marcionite Research Library.For historical material on Marcion, seeG.R.S.Mead: An Introduction to Marcion.The Gospel of the Lord.The written account of the life of Jesus Christ, preserved in its original Greek byMarcion, son of Philologus, bishop of Sinope.(Anno Domine 130)I.1.In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,2.[Pontius Pilatus being the Governor of Judaea,] Jesus came down to Capernaum, a city inGalilee, and was3.teaching on the sabbath days: and they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was inauthority.4.And in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean demon, and hecried out with a loudYRLFH 6D\LQJ �OHW us alone; what have we to do with thee, Jesus? art thou come to destroyus? I know theeZKR WKRX DUW WKH +RO\ 2QH RI *RG � $QG -HVXV UHEXNHG KLP VD\LQJ �+ROG WK\ SHDFH DQGFRPH RXW RI KLP � $QG ZKHQ WKH GHPRQ KDG WKURZQ KLP LQWR WKH PLGVW7.he came out of him, having done no hurt.And amazement came upon all, and they spaketogether saying to one another, what is this word? For in authority and power he commandeththe unclean spirits,8.and they come out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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