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."Sit on this for a little while, okay? I'm not sayingdon't tell the cops, just& well, lose the card for a few days.I need time.A week.Please, I'll make it up to you, Iswear." Aware he sounded more anxious than sexy, Dougclutched the phone, desperate to keep the information tohimself until he could figure out what he and Sam shoulddo next.The police were there to protect and serve, but43 Broken Memories Diane Adams & RJ Scotttheir primary objective to enforce the law didn't put enoughemphasis on protecting Sam as far as Doug was concerned."I'll try.I want better than the lake," she told him,and Doug could imagine her flashing green eyes narrowedin a face so attractive that annoyance was just another wayto look hot."I promise.""One more thing, Doug& The changes made to thedrug? The report says the drug was time release.""How long?""There's no way to know, but it's been weeks.Yourguy has to be clear by now.Just make sure he doesn't takeany more.""Fuck, no worries about that.I can't believe thiscrap is on the market at all." Doug was furious."Don't be dense.Some guys stuck as wolves for acouple of hours versus soft cocks in humans? Who do youthink is going to win that argument?""I guess, though it's stupid." Doug ran a handthrough his hair, his brain racing."I need something else.""Doug." Her tone held an edge of warning; Dougknew he was pushing it."Listen, there's only one way to be sure this crap isout of Sam's system, right?""Blood test." Bec sighed."Bring him in and I'll see44 Broken Memories Diane Adams & RJ Scottwhat I can do.One of the techs has a crush on me."Despite his worry, Doug laughed."I'm notsurprised.Is this afternoon good?""Anytime before eight.I'll go butter him up, but Iwant the whole story when this is over.Do you hear me?""You got it, Bec, and thanks." Doug laid his phoneon the nightstand and turned his attention back to Sam.Maybe Sam had fainted because he remembered who hewas, and the rush of returning memories had overcomehim.Doug poked him, but Sam didn't move.This tookDoug's best hope of distraction out of the picture.His mindinstantly focused on what Bec had told him about the drug.Inhibitor, stuck as a wolf.Thinking about it made hisstomach churn.It explained a lot.Compassion ate away atDoug's annoyance over Sam's behavior.Doug had thoughthe could imagine what Sam had gone through, and for thefirst time realized, he had no idea at all.Deciding to sort out what they knew, or thoughtthey knew, about Sam's situation, Doug retrieved his laptopand, settling onto the bed beside Sam, began making lists.Sam being DEA went under the header of fact, and hetyped undercover under the question mark.Kidnapped orcaptured, tortured, abused, drugged also went under fact.Doug stared at the list, trying to imagine how Sam hadended up where they'd found him.Even if his cover had45 Broken Memories Diane Adams & RJ Scottbeen broken, Doug couldn't figure out what they'd beendoing with him or what they'd wanted to accomplish.Hedidn't know what advantage it'd be for anyone to controlshifting, much less stop it altogether.Yawning, Doug set the laptop aside and lay down,turning instinctively towards Sam.His mind busily createdand discarded scenarios for reasons to keep wolves fromshifting, but they all sounded like some lame movie-of-the-week thrillers where the pures take over the governmentand enforce drug-induced humanity on the wolves.Stillwrestling mentally with the problem, Doug curled next toSam and pressed a kiss to his cheek."Sorry."46 Broken Memories Diane Adams & RJ ScottChapter 6Sam woke slowly.The brush of hot breath surprisedhim, and he flinched, but a heavy arm around his waist heldhim in place.Sam recognized Doug's scent.The guy was apuzzle.Obviously an Alpha-male gone wolf too early forhis human maturity to keep up, Doug was an unlikely mixof compassion and a typical aggressive, pushy personalityin spades.He wondered if he liked that sort of man, and hewished he could remember enough to decide.His bodycertainly seemed comfortable near Doug.And, as for beinga cop, he was damned if he remembered anything aboutbeing one.Stupid brain.He grimaced in frustration but laystill, unwilling to wake Doug."You are thinking way too hard." Doug pressedcloser, and his lips brushed Sam's ear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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