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.But they were not warriors.They madetemporary setbacks.Judaism has nothing in com-the only conquest for which they had been pre-mon with reaction, but everything in its tradi-pared; THAT ECONOMIC CONQUEST for whichtion is liberal.:they had prepared themselves for so many years". Page 223.-60- After you have read this revelation oftreason and subversion, send copies to yourfriends and to influential citizens.Don'tbreak the chain; keep the revelation growingso that we may fully warn our neighborswhile there is yet time. Maj.Robert H.WilliamsIntroduction by Dr.E.R.FieldsMajor Robert H.Williams gained national attention after writingthis book.He was responsible for exposing Anna M.Rosenbergas a communist agent after Pres.Harry Truman appointed her asAssistant Secretary of Defense.Maj.Williams was a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica's"Ten Eventful Years." In 1942, Maj.Williams was head of " S- 2"Military Intelligence for the U.S.Air Force in Mi ami , Fla.In 1944,Maj.Williams trained Air Forced bombardment crews inintelligence sightings.In Aug.1944, he was named as Chief ofCounter-intelligence in the detection and prevention of sabotageand subversion for the Southeastern States.In Dec.1950, he left the service and received an honorabledischarge.His efficiency rating was "excellent." BrigadierGeneral Thomas S.Power gave Maj.Williams a letter ofcommendation which stated, in part:"lt is my desire to commend you for your performance of dutyas a member of the Wing intelligence Section, particularly as WingCounter-Intelligence Officer.You have demonstrated ability anda devotion to duty which has served as a model to other membersof the Command.The constant effort you have put into yourduties has often come to my attention.I want to express myappreciation for all your fine work, and now that you are leavingmy command, I want you to know that my very best wishes gowith you."Maj.Williams then went into the U.S.Military IntelligenceReserve.On the very day that Anna M.Rosenberg becameAssistant Secretary of Defense, (Dec.21, 1950), her first officialact in office was to dismiss Maj.Williams from the Reserves.Maj.Williams' home town newspaper, "The Santa Ana Register"wrote that this was the most notorious political discharge of amilitary officer in U.S.history.Maj.Robert H.Williams' three books have sold in the hundreds-of-thousands of copies.THE TRUTH AT LAST is proud to be thenation's largest distributor of his books [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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