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.Private asides, as we call them, caneither be speech or actions, giving you the ability to negotiate or grimace behind the scenes.SummaryVirtual meetings enable people to interact in real-time, in ways that feel natural and are culturallyconditioned; that create a useful and editable record of the meeting that can subsequently be used to trackhttp://docs.rinet.ru/ITricks/tig20.htm (15 of 23) [4/18/1999 12:45:25 AM] Tricks of the Internet Gurus tig20.htmprojects; that act as a base for memos and other business correspondence; that enable participants topresent themselves in a professional manner, as well as edit themselves before speaking or acting.Thereal people can be in their offices, simultaneously using another window for another task, on the phone,talking to a real person; or on a modem from home or a hotel room eating breakfast; or anyplace thatoffers computer access potential.People attend virtual meetings by logging on to their virtual self, inhabiting and bestowing theirpersonality on a data structure that has agency in the virtual world and can move from room to room, lookaround, talk to and hear others, gesture, carry other objects (for example, an attach� or stack of papers tohand out) fully participating in the business at virtual hand.The rapid changes in business styles, needs,and personnel, coupled with the need to do business worldwide, increases the pressure on business toadapt new methods of working, communicating, and team-building.Tools and technologies that provide aclear, understandable, and often measurable improvement in the ease of doing business are the first to betried.World Benders, Meeting Space, and Instant Minutes are trademarks of World Benders, Inc.Jon Callas is the Director of Technology for World Benders, and the principal architect of MeetingSpace.He has been an Internet denizen since 1978 or 1979 (he can no longer remember which), andfrequently acts as a native guide there.Margaret Russell-Gonzalez designs human-computer interfaces and tests the usability of software forWorld Benders.She has been a professional writer for over 20 years and refuses to author anything.Sheconsiders the Internet a tool that darn well ought to be easy and meaningful to use.For more information about Meeting Space, contact World Benders, Inc.by electronic mail atwb-info@worldbenders.com, by telephone at (603) 881-5432, or by physical mail atWorld Benders, Inc.1 Chestnut Street, suite #333Nashua, NH 03060, USAA Guide for Getting Your Business onto the NetNow that we have looked at how other businesses already use the Internet, it is up to you to decide tomake the most of it for your business.The really good news is that you can put the Internet to work foryou immediately.You do not have to wait.Most companies use the Internet in either of twoways electronic mail and the World Wide Web.Here is how you may want to do the same.Electronic MailElectronic mail broadly appeals to businesses because it has become ubiquitous nearly everyone,everywhere seems to be using it.What is more, many e-mail users check their mail multiple times aday it is the first thing they check in the morning and the last thing before they leave.Today, most largecompanies have their internal e-mail systems connected to the Internet (or plan to do so within a fewmonths).Just like with a telephone, internal and external "calls" arrive; in the case of e-mail, newhttp://docs.rinet.ru/ITricks/tig20.htm (16 of 23) [4/18/1999 12:45:25 AM] Tricks of the Internet Gurus tig20.htmmessages get deposited right at your clients' desktops.Perhaps the largest benefit of electronic mail is that it's asynchronous.Using e-mail, you can talk toanyone else an the same e-mail-connected network, 24-hours a day.The fact that e-mail permits yourrecipient to process your communication at a time of their choosing, not yours, means that you are morelikely to get a well-considered reply than if you impose yourself and your particular issue on someoneelse with a phone call.Because of this dynamic, use of e-mail not only improves the time you spendcommunicating with others, but it permits you to deal with more of your interpersonal communication atonce improving, by extension, the quality of the time you spend focusing on projects other than yourcommunication; you can queue up more of your correspondence to deal with at one time.To use e-mail, the first thing to do is to get yourself an electronic mailbox on one of many systemsconnected to the Internet's Simple Mail Transport Protocol-connected network.There are a lot of ways togo about doing this.You may decide to use an online service provider like CompuServe or AmericaOnline because you already use their service.Instead, you may wish to use an Internet service provider.Ifyour company has a lot of e-mail users, then you may decide to install an Internet gateway to yourexisting mail system so that mail messages flow through the same internal network.If you are a smallcompany, you may even decide to not have your own internal mail system and, instead, put everyone ontothe Internet.Not only does this give you Internet mail capability, it can eliminate the cost of having to runyour own electronic mail server and the associated computer hardware.One factor you may want to consider is the type of information you want to exchange (and with whichusers).For instance, you may already use a proprietary commercial e-mail system such as Microsoft Mailor cc:Mail, and want to exchange binary-format documents with users on your local e-mail system butonly plain text with outside users.In this case, you might want to consider attaching your existing systemto the Internet through its proprietary SMTP gateway, many of which will exchange only plain-textmessages with the Internet.If you think you might want to distribute software, graphics, video, or audioinformation over electronic mail, then you might be better off building a new e-mail backbone in yourcompany based on one of the many free or cheap combinations of e-mail transport agents andMIME-compatible mail user agents.This would permit you to send a variety of information, usingstandardized encoding methods with disparate software on equally dissimilar platforms.No matter how you decide to do it, once you get your Internet mail address you are ready to go.Naturally,you can start sending and receiving mail across the Internet.This can serve as a great way to correspondwith your client base.You may also want to join newsgroups and mailing lists with topics that relate toyour business.Even as just an electronic mail user, you can begin to use the Internet to stimulate interest in yourcompany.With mail lists and newsgroups, you have the opportunity to post messages that can let peopleknow what your business is and what areas of interest you may have.As you have probably heard, it isconsidered imprudent to blatantly advertise across all lists.Depending on the group, however, informativemessages may be useful and are generally considered acceptable.The best way to create awareness foryour company is to provide information that is useful to the group.If you have a lot of clients already on the Internet, you may want to set up your own mail list, newsgroup,or bulletin board.This may be a terrific way for you to correspond with a lot of clients simultaneously.Itmay also be useful for letting your customers communicate with one another to share ideas.Any companycan set up its own list easily and quickly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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