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. That would be tough, wouldn t it?He nodded. So what s been going on? I haven t heard  You ve been working for Mario all this time, you sneaky bastard? Well, yeah.I shook my head. And the worst part is, you re really enjoy-ing it that I m so shocked.He smiled innocently. Bastard. Does this mean you won t tell me what s going on? Do you really want to get any more involved with my affairs than you already are?He shrugged. Why not? Well, for starters, they ll kill you. Okay.What after that?  Chances are, that s all. So only one thing to worry about? That s not so many. How long did you say you d been Mario s contact? About ninety years, and I prefer the term  business agent.  You mean, messenger. Something like that, yeah.I shook my head. So, what s the plan, Vlad?I studied him for a little.He frowned. Vlad, are you wondering if you can trust me? Actually, no. Good. I know I can trust you.I m having real doubts about getting you killed. Why? You never did before. This is different and you know it. What s so different about it? Well, it s Morganti.And it s the whole damned Jhereg.And the Left Hand is involved.I m gone.I mout of here.If you re known to be in this with me, and you live through it, then you ll have to be gone,too.You can t come back from this and go on with business. Isn t that my decision? It isn t that simple. Yes it is. Not to me. That s because you complicate everything. Oh.So that s my problem? One of them. Going to give the whole list? He grinned. Not unless you ask for it.I sighed. I ve put things into motion that I can t control.Things have started.I  Just now? With my errand? A little before that, actually.It all centers around South Adrilankha. Yeah, I knew that part. Do you know why?He smiled happily. Not even a guess. For one thing, Terion, I said. What about him? He s pushing for the number-one spot on the Council. Okay.And? He s enlisted the help of the Left Hand. How did he do that? His mistress is one of them. Ah. How is  By gaining control of South Adrilankha. Why there? It s the most lucrative area that s up for grabs.They re already fighting for it.I mean, the Jhereg.Imean, the Right Hand. Bodies turning up? No, I said. But one of the parties tried to start up a little en-terprise among the Easterners.Small stuff,but if it had worked, it could have eventually put the heat on the Left Hand, and maybe interfered withtheir business there. Could have? I sort of squelched it. Okay, that leaves Terion.  As far as I know.And I m pretty sure I know the whole way. And Terion s connection to the Left Hand is his mistress.Who is wait.Crithnak. Yeah. Terion won t be happy. With any luck, Terion won t be alive. You going after him? Yep. How? The usual. Vlad, the usual doesn t involve protection by the Left Hand. They aren t protecting him, Kragar.They re just helping him take South Adrilankha. How do you know that?I frowned.Crap. Damn you, Kragar. Me? Yeah.Before you said that, I thought I had a plan. Uh huh.Like the guy who found his walls were hollow when he saw a chipmunk making a home inthem, and said,  Damn that chipmunk, I thought I had a nice place until he came along. Yeah.Just like that.I thought I had a plan. Damn good one, too.What exactly is the problem you just discovered? I m in disguise. So? So the fellow I just tried to smoke out won t be able to find me. Can you explain that? I m not sure.  All right.So, what s your next plan? There s a house in South Adrilankha, on Stranger s Road.The Left Hand runs their operations from it.I ve been thinking of walking in there and just seeing how many throats I can cut before they take medown. Hmmm.Been feeling frustrated, have we? A little. How about a backup plan, in case you come to your senses before trying that one. You have something in mind? Nope.Plans are your department.Blowing them up is mine. Okay.Glad to know we have the division of labor figuredHe nodded.Except for him sitting on my side of the desk, it felt a lot like old times.I d have enjoyed it more if Ihadn t been so busy trying to figure a way out of the mess I d gotten myself into.After a few minutes of contemplation, I said,  Things are already in motion.I have to take out Terion.Once his mistress gets shined, then the Left Hand will be after me in addition to everyone else. I sighed. It s sad. They all want me dead. That s true. And yet, I m such a great guy. You are.Everyone says so.Can you tell me why you got in-volved in this in the first place? Cawti, I said. Oh.There were things Kragar and I didn t talk about it, and Cawti was most of them.He cleared his throatinto the moderately un-comfortable silence, and said,  Okay.So, you need a new plan. Actually, maybe just a couple of small modifications to the old one. All right.I can accept that.What do you have in mind? You ve sold me on one thing: I have to ask you for help.He smiled.He looked pleased.Sometimes I wondered about him. You want me to find out who on the Council has just gotten upset that his scheme in South Adrilankhahas just been broken up.  Yes.Can you do it without anyone finding out that you re working for me? Don t worry about it.I cursed under my breath. Anything else? said Kragar. Maybe one other thing. Hmmm? Can you find Terion? I imagine so.It might take a little time. Okay.Just make sure no one knows you re looking. Just how do you imagine I ll be able to do that? I don t know.I ve never known how you do anything you do.But just be sure.He shrugged. Dammit, Kragar, don t you get it? Don t you have any idea just how big this is? If they know you rehelping me, they will kill you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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