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.The Moon has chambers where the babes of love lie hidFZ7b-94.13; E366| And whence they never can be brought in all EternityFZ7b-94.14; E366| Unless exposd by their vain parents.Lo him whom I loveFZ7b-94.15; E366| Is hidden from me & I never in all EternityFZ7b-94.16; E366| Shall see him Enitharmon & Ahania combind with Eniont822FZ7b-94.17; E366| Hid him in that Outrageous form of Orc which torments me for SinFZ7b-94.18; E366| For all my Secret faults which he brings forth upon the lightFZ7b-94.19; E366| Of day in jealousy & blood my Children are led to Urizens warFZ7b-94.20; E366| Before my eyes & for every one of these I am condemndFZ7b-94.21; E366| To Eternal torment in these flames for tho I have the powerFZ7b-94.22; E366| To rise on high Yet love here binds me down & never neverFZ7b-94.23; E366| Will I arise till him I love is loosd from this dark chainFZ7b-94.24; E366| Tharmas replied Vala thy Sins have lost us heaven & blisst823FZ7b-94.25; E366| Thou art our Curse and till I can bring love into the lightFZ7b-94.26; E366| I never will depart from my great wratht824FZ7b-94.27; E366| So Tharmas waild wrathful then rode upon the Stormy DeepFZ7b-94.28; E366| Cursing the Voice that mockd him with false hope in furious moodFZ7b-94.29; E366| Then She returns swift as a blight upon the infant budFZ7b-94.30; E366| Howling in all the notes of woe to stay his furious rageFZ7b-94.31; E366| Stamping the hills wading or swimming flying furious or falling FZ7b-94.32; E366| Or like an Earthquake rumbling in the bowels of the earthFZ7b-94.33; E366| Or like a cloud beneath & like a fire flaming in highFZ7b-94.34; E366| Walking in pleasure of the hills or murmuring in the dalesFZ7b-94.35; E366| Like to a rushing torrent beneath & a falling rock aboveFZ7b-94.36; E366| A thunder cloud in the south & a lulling voice heard in the northFZ7b-94.37; E367| And she went forth & saw the forms of Life & of delightFZ7b-94.38; E367| Walking on Mountains or flying in the open expanse of heavenFZ7b-94.39; E367| She heard sweet voices in the winds & in the voices of birdsFZ7b-94.40; E367| That rose from waters for the waters were as the voice of LuvahFZ7b-94.41; E367| Not seen to her like waters or like this dark world of deathFZ7b-94.42; E367| Tho all those fair perfections which men know only by nameFZ7b-94.43; E367| In beautiful substantial forms appeard & served herFZ7b-94.44; E367| As food or drink or ornament or in delightful worksFZ7b-94.45; E367| To build her bowers for the Elements brought forth abundantlyFZ7b-94.46; E367| The living soul in glorious forms & every One came forthFZ7b-94.47; E367| Walking before her Shadowy face & bowing at her feetFZ7b-94.48; E367| But in vain delights were poured forth on the howling melancholyFZ7b-94.49; E367| For her delight the horse his proud neck bowd & his white maneFZ7b-94.50; E367| And the Strong Lion deignd in his mouth to wear the golden bitFZ7b-94.51; E367| While the far beaming Peacock waited on the fragrant windFZ7b-94.52; E367| To bring her fruits of sweet delight from trees of richest wondersFZ7b-94.53; E367| And the strong piniond Eagle bore the fire of heaven in the night seasonFZ7b-94.54; E367| Wood & subdud into Eternal Death the Demon Layt825FZ7b-94.55; E367| In rage against the dark despair.the howling MelancholyFZ7b-87[95][1st].1; E367| For far & wide she stretchd thro all the worlds of Urizens journeyFZ7b-87[95][1st].2; E367| And was Ajoind to Beulah as the Polypus to the RockFZ7b-87[95][1st].3; E367| Mo[u]rning the daughters of Beulah saw nor could they have sustaindFZ7b-87[95][1st].4; E367| The horrid sight of death & torment But the Eternal PromiseFZ7b-87[95][1st].5; E367| They wrote on all their tombs & pillars & on every UrnFZ7b-87[95][1st].6; E367| These words If ye will believe your B[r]other shall rise againFZ7b-87[95][1st].7; E367| In golden letters ornamented with sweet labours of Lovet826FZ7b-87[95][1st].8; E367| Waiting with Patience for the fulfilment of the Promise DivineFZ7b-87[95][1st].9; E367| And all the Songs of Beulah sounded comfortable notesFZ7b-87[95][1st].10; E367| Not suffring doubt to rise up from the Clouds of the Shadowy FemaleFZ7b-87[95][1st].11; E367| Then myriads of the Dead burst thro the bottoms of their tombsFZ7b-87[95][1st].12; E367| Descending on the shadowy females clouds in Spectrous terrorFZ7b-87[95][1st].13; E367| Beyond the Limit of Translucence on the Lake of Udan AdanFZ7b-87[95][1st].14; E367| These they namd Satans & in the Aggregate they namd them SatanFZ7b-95[85][2nd].23; E367| Then took the tree of Mystery root in the World of Lost827FZ7b-95[85][2nd].24; E367| Its topmost boughs shooting a fibre beneath Enitharmons couchFZ7b-95[85][2nd].25; E367| The double rooted Labyrinth soon wavd around their heads t828FZ7b-95[85][2nd].26; E367| But then the Spectre enterd Los's bosom Every sigh & groanFZ7b-95[85][2nd].27; E367| Of Enitharmon bore Urthonas Spectre on its wingsFZ7b-95[85][2nd].28; E367| Obdurate Los felt Pity Enitharmon told the taleFZ7b-95[85][2nd].29; E367| Of Urthona.Los embracd the Spectre first as a brotherFZ7b-95[85][2nd].30; E367| Then as another Self; astonishd humanizing & in tearsFZ7b-95[85][2nd].31; E367| In Self abasement Giving up his Domineering lustFZ7b-95[85][2nd].32; E368| Thou never canst embrace sweet Enitharmon terrible Demon.TillFZ7b-95[85][2nd].33; E368| Thou art united with thy Spectre Consummating by pains & labours all get drunk.I say dash [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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