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." In Anhui, where the stated intention was to keep the red flag flyingeven if 99 percent of the population died, cadres returned to the traditionalpractices of live burials and torture with red-hot irons.72Mao began with the slogan of "peasant socialism." Before coming topower, he'd promised Chinese peasants land, food, and protection.Buthis power subjected them to levels of pain and torture never to be seen inmodern history:This campaign took on the proportions of a veritable war against the peas-antry& Deaths from hunger reached over 50 percent in certain villages, andin some cases the only survivors ware cadres who abused their position.InHenan and elsewhere there were many cases of cannibalism (63 wererecorded officially): children were sometimes eaten in accordance with acommunal decision.73The death rates accross the country reached to incredible levels:For the entire country, the death rate rose from 11 percent in 1957 to 15 percent In the years ofthe Great Leap,many Chinesewho resistedMao's savagerywere brutallyexecuted.Many werekilled by a bul-let to the backof the head.in 1959 and 1961, peaking at 29 percent in 1960.Birth rates fell from 33 percentin 1957 to 18 percent in 1961.Excluding the deficit in births, which was per-haps as many as 33 million (although some births were merely delayed), lossof life linked to famine in the years 1959-1961 was somewhere between 20million and 43 million people& This was quite possibly the worst faminenot just in the history of China but in the history of the world.74In the course of the Great Leap, an eighteen-year-old Red Guard, whowas pursued by the authorities and took refuge with his family in a vil-lage in Anhui, described Maoism's cruel face:We walked along beside the village.The rays of the sun shone on the jade-green weeds that had sprung up between the earth walls, accentuating thecontrast with the rice fields all around, and adding to the desolation of thelandscape.Before my eyes, among the weeds, rose up one of the scenes I hadbeen told about, one of the banquets at which the families had swappedchildren in order to eat them.I could see the worried faces of the familiesas they chewed the flesh of other people's children.The children who werechasing butterflies in a nearby field seemed to be the reincarnation of thechildren devoured by their parents.I felt sorry for the children, but not assorry as I felt for their parents.What had made them swallow that humanflesh, amidst the tears and grief of other parents flesh that they wouldnever have imagined tasting, even in their worst nightmares? In that mo-ment I understood what a butcher he had been, the man "whose like hu-manity has not seen in several centuries, and China not in severalthousand years": Mao Zedong.Mao Zedong and his henchmen, with their A Communist Party militant deliver-ing Communist propaganda in theyears of the Great Leap.criminal political system, had driven parents mad with hunger and ledthem to hand their own children over to others, and to receive the flesh ofothers to appease their own hunger.Mao Zedong, to wash away the crimethat he had committed in assassinating democracy, had launched the GreatLeap Forward, and obliged thousands and thousands of peasants dazed byhunger to kill one another with hoes, and to save their own lives thanks tothe flesh and blood of their childhood companions.They were not the realkillers; the real killers were Mao Zedong and his companions.75The Influence of "Evolutionist Science" in Mao's FamineIn the years between 1958 and 1961, as a result of Mao's Great Leappolicy, all of China suffered what's accepted as the greatest, most deadlyfamine in history.It is estimated that as a result, as many as 40 milliondied.(Such numbers equaled and even surpassed the entire populationof many countries of that time.)What was the cause of this disaster? As mentioned above, Mao's mil-itants forced the peasants into collectivization and founded communesof between 100 and 300 families which greatly reduced agriculturalproductivity.In some areas, Maoist administrations punished peasantswith deliberate starvation.Another important reason for this calamity is that Mao tried to adapt Red Terror in Asia127to Chinese agriculture the "Lysenko model" applied in the Soviet Unionin the 1930s and 40s.When he forced these experiments on the peasants,the result was huge losses in agricultural production.We examined Trofim Lysenko before.As a result of the nonsensical"proletarian science" of the Stalin era, Soviet biology was entrusted toLysenko, an ardent evolutionist.Lysenko rejected the science of geneticsadopting instead a theory by Lamarck, a leading Darwinist who be-lieved in the "inheritance of acquired traits." When Lysenko's myth wasapplied to Soviet agriculture, the losses were immense.But Mao did not learn from this disaster of the Stalinist period onthe contrary he and his supporters, educated from their youth on a strictDarwinism, continued to believe in "proletarian science" and to distortreal science, according to the requisites of the theory of evolution [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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