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.Weaning and adolescence are ages when diet and activity are criticalperiods for learning healthy behaviours.Healthy practices that can besustained into later life should be encouraged.Communities can do much to improve the local environment in ways thatwill benefit health  and help prevent obesity in the process: joined-uppublic transport; cycle tracks; safe footpaths; play areas, playing fields andyouth clubs which are supervised, safe and attractive.Schools have a significant role in the prevention of overweight if they areallowed to devote the necessary time to educate and implement advice onactivity and food availability, perhaps supported through the HealthySchools Programme.Local food outlets and major supermarkets have a significant role inreducing the promotion of HFSS foods; using understandable foodlabelling systems which indicate energy dense, HFSS foods; making freshfruit and vegetables available at affordable prices; providing low energyversions of traditional foods.Governments have a major role in warning the public of the risks ofpursuing certain lifestyles.Governments need to facilitate overweight prevention through encour-aging and financially supporting facilities and training for professionalswho are trying to manage and prevent overweight.Those concerned with childhood overweight need to recognize they will beseen as role models and advocates for positive change. 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