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.The Triune Self would then be a Triune Self complete, and as such it would be one of TheGovernment of the world, according to the Eternal Order of Progression.However, before all this could come about, the doer of the Triune Self had to pass the trialtest of balance; that is, it had to bring its feeling aspect and its desire aspect into balanced union.In order to do this, the doer's perfect sexless body is divided into a male body and a female body;the feeling aspect of the doer then dwells in the female body and the desire aspect in the malebody.The two bodies are the balances.Then, with feeling and desire in the two bodies of oppositesexes, as the balances, the doer was to preserve the oneness of itself as feeling-and-desire while itwas present in both halves of the divided one body.This would be done by thinking, by theproper adjustment of the three minds of the doer, under control of the doer.Then, feeling-and-desire thinking together as the doer, could not think other than as one doer.Thus thinking, thebody-mind would be attuned to and controlled by the feeling-and-desire minds thinking togetheras one, and would also think of feeling-and-desire as one.Thus, by the three minds unitedlythinking as one, the male and female half-bodies would be again united, and feeling-and-desire,by thinking together, would be in balanced and inseparable union.Such united thinking of thethree minds would also adjust the units of the four systems of the perfect body through the foursenses of the body by means of the breath-form under control of the doer, who would then be inright relation to its thinker and knower.But the doers of all human beings failed to pass that test and trial.They did not balance thenewly advanced units in their proper relation.Feeling-and-desire allowed the body-mind tocontrol their thinking.So the body-mind thinking through the senses of the male body and thefemale body hypnotized desire-and-feeling into seeing and believing that they were bodies, and they forgot that they were the desire and the feeling of one doer, and not bodies.The ConsciousLight was withdrawn.They were in darkness of the senses; and then they did not think ofthemselves as feeling-and-desire--similarly as most humans now think of themselves as bodiesinstead of as the doers in their bodies.They lost the government of the body and could not remainin the Realm of Permanence.Their thinking took them out of the Realm of Permanence.Theycould only see and sense and think of this world of birth and death.This is the basis of the legendof the "fall of man".To understand the Eternal Order of Progression it is necessary here to consider TheGovernment of the world by complete Triune Selves in the Realm of Permanence.As heretoforestated, the Triune Self is a unit of three inseparable knower, thinker, and doer parts.The knowerand thinker parts are qualified and perfect, but the doer part must be qualified by taking over andconsciously operating the perfect immortal physical body, to train and keep units of nature poisedin perfect balance.To operate and take charge of the perfect body machine the doer must have itsfeeling-and-desire in balanced union.For this every doer must pass the trial test of balance, thebalancing of the sexes.In the orderly course of progress, the doer passes the test and, with itsthinker and knower, makes its Triune Self complete.Then, after serving in the high office as oneof The Government of the world in the Realm of Permanence, and as one of The Government ofthe human world and of the destinies of the nations, the Triune Self complete goes on to thedegree of an Intelligence, with other Intelligences in the spheres: the spheres of earth, of water, ofair, and of fire, and it goes on and on in higher degrees of being conscious, towards the ultimate--Consciousness.This in brief is the perpetual progressive development which has always been going on, andwill go on, according to the Eternal Order of Progression.But this book does not deal in detailwith that; it is particularly concerned with the destinies of human beings, whose doers left theorderly course of the doers that passed the test and that continued to advance.By failing in that test, the doers of mankind departed from that Eternal Order of Progression.Instead of continuing in everlasting physical bodies in the Realm of Permanence, they exiledthemselves to exist and re-exist in human bodies on the earth crust, this human world.They nowtread the path of birth and life and death in man and woman bodies, and periodically live and dieand re-exist.By failing in their test they did not keep in balance the perfectly balanced unitswhich composed their perfect bodies.And those unbalanced compositor units now compose thebodies in which they re-exist in this world.They are now imperfect, human beings; that is, thefeeling aspect and the desire aspect of the doers have fallen under the glamour of the sexes andare ruled by their senses and sensations and sexes; they are not self-controlled; they haveforgotten their knowers; the Light of their Intelligences in them is obscured.The doer will continue to re-exist until it regenerates the imperfect mortal body into a perfectand immortal physical body, such as it originally had; more precisely, until the doer restores thebreath-form unit and the compositor units of the body to their original perfect state of balance.The regeneration and restoration of the perfect body is the duty of every doer; this duty must beand ultimately will be performed, as described in Chapter XI, "The Great Way".In this system all parts of the whole are related in a definite plan and for a definite purpose.The plan and the purpose show that nature in the human world of time is in states towardprogression by constant cycles or circulations of the units through human bodies; when the doersof the Triune Selves progress and the complete Triune Selves advance to the degree ofIntelligences, the units are balanced.The Intelligences charged with the responsibility of thiseducation, free themselves in the discharge of this duty.The circulation of nature, thedevelopment of the doers, the freeing of the Intelligences, are done owing to the presence ofConsciousness through all.Because of the presence of Consciousness, each unit of nature, eachaia, each Triune Self, and each Intelligence, is conscious in and as the different degrees of matterwhich it is.Thus the link connecting intelligent-matter and nature-matter is kept unbroken. To present this intricate subject from the symbolic point of view: The progression ofunintelligent units from the nature-side to be intelligent units of the intelligent-side of theuniverse, (uninterrupted by the fall of the doer part of the Triune Self into the human world ofchange), is shown by Figure II-G.This progressive development is accomplished by thefunctioning of the nature units composing the complete and perfect physical bodies of thephysical Realm of Permanence.Those perfect bodies of nature units are occupied and operated bythe units that had graduated from the nature-side and that had become Triune Self units on theintelligent-side [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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