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.Action If the database is not open, disable the thread.If the database is open and aninstance has the thread open, then switch logs in the instance with thethread open.ORA 01624 log name needed for crash recovery of thread num  cannot dropCause A log cannot be dropped or cleared until the thread s checkpoint has advancedout of the log.Action If the database is not open, then open it.Crash recovery will advance thecheckpoint.If the database is open, force a global checkpoint.If the log iscorrupted so that the database cannot be opened, it may be necessary to do anincomplete recovery until this log is cancelled.ORA 01625 rollback segment name does not belong to this instanceCause An attempt was made to take a rollback segment offline that does not belong tothis instance.Action Take only those rollback segments offline that belong to the current instance.Totake the rollback segment offline, connect to the instance containing it.2  150 Oracle7 Server Messages 01500 01699: Oracle CommandsORA 01626 rollback segment number num cannot handle more transactionsCause There are too many transactions in this segment.Action Choose a different rollback segment or reduce the number ofconcurrent transactions.ORA 01627 rollback segment number num is not onlineCause This rollback may have been taken offline by the database administrator orcleaned up by SMON.Action Check the status of the rollback segment in DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS tomake sure the rollback segment is actually online.ORA 01628 max # of extents num reached for rollback segment numCause An attempt was made to extend a rollback segment that already has reached itsmaximum size or space could not be allocated in the data dictionary to containthe definition of the object.Action If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASEinitialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space andalter the storage parameters, as described in the Oracle7 Server Administrator sGuide.ORA 01629 max # of extents num reached saving undo for tablespace nameCause The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has beenreached for an offline tablespace.Action Check the storage parameters for the SYSTEM tablespace.The tablespacenamed needs to be brought online so that the undo information can be applied.ORA 01630 max # of extents num reached in temp segment in tablespace nameCause The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has beenreached for a temporary segment in the named tablespace, or space could notbe allocated in the data dictionary to contain the definition of the object.Action If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASEinitialization parameters or find the data dictionary table lacking space andalter the storage parameters as described in the Oracle7 Server Administrator sGuide.Oracle7 Server Messages 2  151 01500 01699: Oracle CommandsORA 01631 max # of extents num reached in table nameCause The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has beenreached for the named table.Action If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASEinitialization parameters.ORA 01632 max # of extents num reached in index nameCause The maximum amount of space allowed for saving undo entries has beenreached for the named index.Action If possible, increase the value of either the MAXEXTENTS or PCTINCREASEinitialization parameters.ORA 01633 Parallel Server option needed for this operationCause The system is not configured to use the Parallel Server option, so the feature isnot available.Action Contact Oracle Corporation to obtain the Parallel Server option.ORA 01634 rollback segment number str is about to go offlineCause The rollback segment specified was marked to go offline by the DBA.Action Bring the rollback segment online before continuing, or choose another rollbacksegment.If using SET TRANSACTION, use ROLLBACK SEGMENT  name.ORA 01635 rollback segment #num specified not availableCause Either" You tried to acquire an offline rollback segment during start up." You tried to drop a rollback segment that contains active transactions.Action For the above, either:" Bring the tablespace containing the rollback segment online or do notspecify the rollback segment in the initialization parameter file." If the rollback segment is in use, shut down the instance using therollback segment.Otherwise, if the rollback segment needs recovery, findout the errors that are holding back the rolling back of the transactionsand take appropriate actions.2  152 Oracle7 Server Messages 01500 01699: Oracle CommandsORA 01636 rollback segment  name is already onlineCause A rollback segment can only be used by one instance and an instance is tryingto bring a rollback segment online that is already in use.Action Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parametersROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, andROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with theproblem.Also check that the instance is using the correct initializationparameter file.Make sure you are not confused about the difference betweenprivate and public rollback segments.See the Oracle7 Server Administrator sGuide for more information about using rollback segments in parallel mode.ORA 01637 rollback segment  name is being used by another instance #nameCause A rollback segment can only be used by one instance, and an instance is tryingto access a rollback segment online that is already in use.Action Check that the values set in the initialization parameter file for parametersROLLBACK_SEGMENTS, ROLLBACK_SEGMENT_INITIAL, andROLLBACK_SEGMENT_COUNT are correctly set for the instance with theproblem.Also check that the instance is using the correct initializationparameter file.Make sure you are not confused about the difference betweenprivate and public rollback segments.See Oracle7 Parallel Server for moreinformation about using rollback segments in parallel mode.ORA 01638 parameter name does not allow Oracle Version num to mount parallelCause The recovery compatible initialization parameter is set too low to allow thissoftware version to do a parallel mount.Action Either use an earlier software release or advance theRECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter.If this happens when noRECOVERY_COMPATIBLE parameter has been specified, then set it to thecurrent software release.ORA 01639 database cannot be mounted parallel with no lock processesCause The value of GC_LCK_PROCS is 0, and the database is being mounted inparallel mode.Action Change GC_LCK_PROCS to a value between 1 and 10 or leave it undefined touse the default.Oracle7 Server Messages 2  153 01500 01699: Oracle CommandsORA 01640 cannot make tablespace read only with active transactionsCause An attempt to make a tablespace read only encountered active transactions inthe database.All transactions must be committed or rolled back to ensureconsistency.This includes any transactions that are in doubt.Action Put the database in restricted mode to prevent any new transactions from beingstarted and commit and/or rollback all active transactions, resolving allin doubt transactions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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