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.But he viewed the intoxication factor as being more important.This writer also has McDonald and his men in Rio Grande City two daysbefore the shootout.But that is factually incorrect.Anders, Boss Rule in SouthTexas, 50 51.31.Brownsville Daily Herald, Nov.15, 1906.32.McDonald to Lanham, Nov.9, [1906], GR; Paine, McDonald, 370.33.McDonald to Lanham, Nov.9, [1906], GR.34.Paine, McDonald, 370.35.Brooks to Lanham, Nov.7, 1906, Nov.9, [1906], GR.Seabury believedthat a  larger force than McDonald and his four Rangers was needed.Seabury to Lanham, Nov.8 9, 1906, GR.Central headquarters notifiedSergeant J.D.Dunaway of Company A that McDonald was involved in ashootout.Asst.Adj.Gen.to Dunaway, Nov.10, 1906, GC-AGR.36.Brownsville Daily Herald, Nov.10, 1906, Nov.13, 1906; RAGST for thePeriod Ending Dec.31, 1906, p.29 (quotation).37.Brownsville Daily Herald, Nov.13, 1906.38.Paine, McDonald, 371.39.Ibid., 393 94, with second quotation on p.394; Sterling, Trails and Trialsof a Texas Ranger, 357 58, with first quotation on p.358.40.MRCB for Nov.1906, RR-AGR.41.Brownsville Daily Herald, Nov.14, 1906.In August 1906, McKenziearrested a Texan for disorderly conduct and calling him a damned  S ofB____. The Ranger private  hit him for it with his gun. MRCB for Aug.1906, RR-AGR.42.McDonald to Lanham, Nov.9, 1906, GR.{ }3 7 8 NOTES43.MRCB for Nov.1906, RR-AGR; RAGST for the Period Ending Dec.31,1906, p.29.44.Hughes to Hulen, Nov.17, 1906, Nov.20, 1906, Nov.22, 1906, Nov.29,1906, ibid.to Phelps, Nov.13, 1906, Nov.30, 1906, Dec.23, 1906, GC-AGR.45.Anders, Boss Rule in South Texas, 51 64; Baulch,  Murder of Stanley Welchand the 1906 Starr County Election, 39 42.46.McDonald to Lanham, Nov.9, 1906, GR.CHAPTER 15: THE END COMES: STATE REVENUE AGENT AND OTHER ROLES1.Paine, McDonald, 390.2.Ibid., 374.3.Brooks to Hulen, Nov.14, 1906, Hulen to Brooks, Nov.17, 1906, GC-AGR.4.Tom M.Ross replaced McDonald as officer in charge of Company B.FrankJohnson replaced Brooks as captain of Company A.5.Austin Statesman, Jan.17, 1907; RSRA, 1906 08, p.3; Paine, McDonald, 373.6.Paine, McDonald, 374 76, with quotation on p.375.7.Austin Statesman, Jan.17, 1907.8.General Laws of the State of Texas Passed at the Regular Session of the ThirtiethLegislature Convened at the City of Austin, January 8, 1907, and Adjourned April12, 1907 (Austin: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1907), 357.9.For a statement of instructions to county assessors by the state comptroller,see Austin Statesman, Dec.26, 1907.10.Paine, McDonald, 376 77.11.Ibid., 378 80; RSRA, 1906 08, pp.3 5, with quotations on p.3, except forthe last one on p.4.12.Paine, McDonald, 380 83.13.Ibid., 383 85; Austin Statesman, Mar.29, 1907, Mar.30, 1907 (quotation).14.Paine, McDonald, 384 85, with quotations on p.385.15.Austin Statesman, Apr.1, 1907.16.Ibid., Apr.7, 1907.17.Ibid., Apr.22, 1907, May 6, 1907, May 25, 1907, June 16, 1907, June 26,1907.18.Ibid., Apr.1, 1907.19.Paine, McDonald, 383 84.20.Austin Statesman, July 2, 1908, July 21, 1908, Aug.12, 1908.21.Ibid., Feb.2, 1909; RSRA, 1906 08, p.5.22.Austin Statesman, Aug.5, 1907.23.RSRA, 1906 08, p.7 (quotation).{ }3 7 9 NOTE S24.Ibid., 9 24.25.Ibid., 25 29.McDonald also wrote,  Your attention is further directed tothe fact that there are a large number of women in the State who annuallysecure internal revenue license [sic] to sell beer and liquor, and who pay nolicense fees to the State for engaging in that character of business.For the cur-rent year there are over 100 of such persons engaged in this character of busi-ness. Ibid., 30.26.Austin Statesman, Oct.29, 1907.27.Ibid., Sept.30, 1907, Oct.9, 1907, Nov.15, 1907; RSRA,1906 08, p.31.28.Austin Statesman, Sept.14, 1907.29.McDonald summarized these evasive tactics in his letter to Attorney Gen-eral R.V.Davidson, Sept.8, 1908, Correspondence, Attorney GeneralRecords, Archives Division, Texas State Library, Austin, Texas.30.RSRA, 1906 08, pp.7 8.31.Asst.Atty.Gen.James D.Walthall to McDonald, Sept.11, 1908, ibid.toComptroller J.W.Stephens, Sept.11, 1908 (quotations), Letter Press Opin-ions, Attorney General Records.Barnum and Bailey sent a letter to state offi-cials about setting up procedures for one continuous performance.Ibid.toStephens, Sept.19, 1908, Letter Press Opinions, Attorney General Records.32.Austin Statesman, Sept.12, 1908, Sept.14, 1908.33.Ibid., Feb.21, 1909, Apr.29, 1909 (quotation).For correspondencebetween Cody s staff, with definitions of exhibitions and circuses, and a fewlegal documents, see Cody (William F.) Lawsuit Papers, Manuscript Collec-tions, Archives Division, Texas State Library, Austin, Texas.34.State of Texas, et al.vs.W.F.Cody (1908), No.25727, 53rd Judicial District,District Clerk s Office, Travis County, with quotation on p.40.35.Ibid., 2 17, 39 40, with the quotation on p.14.36.Ibid., 4.37.Ibid., 6.38.Ibid.39.Ibid., 13.40.Ibid., 15.41.State of Texas, et al.vs.W.F.Cody (1909), No.4515, Court of Civil Appeals,Opinion Record, Book 18, Vol.223-1088, pp.109 111, with quotation on p.111, Archives Division, Texas State Library, Austin, Texas.42.Ibid., 110.See also Austin Statesman, Apr.29, 1909.To follow the appel-late case through the judicial process, see Court of Civil Appeals (ThirdSupreme Judicial District), Austin, Texas, Trial Docket, 1907 1913, Vol.223-1058, Case No [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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