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.Black Dan A short-tempered sailor onboard theAn old man, Baltimore is flummoxed when his cookJulia, he adds his name to the round robin, the petitionshed, set atop the deck of the Julia, is lifted from itswritten in the round, listing the crew s complaints.moorings during a gale.But Baltimore is known forhis good nature, and when the crew signs its round-Blunt, Bill ( Liverpool,  William ) A sailorrobin protest over conditions aboard ship, the cookaboard the Julia, Bill Blunt signs his name to theis nominated to take it ashore to the British consul.round-robin complaint, adding, after the fashionBeauty See CHIPS.of seamen who are often known by their place oforigin,  alias Liverpool. Bill Blunt is probably alsoBell, Mr.and Mrs.Mr.Bell, a European whosethe  William who is imprisoned with the narratorplantation Long Ghost and the narrator visit inand other  mutineers in the Calabooza Beretanee,Taloo, had a real-life counterpart, also named Bellwhere he slugs down the liniment sent by Doctorand also a sugar planter.In the novel, Bell is youth- Johnson with instructions to  rub well in.ful, handsome, and welcoming, but the narratorexpresses his disappointment at not finding Mrs.BellBob, Captain Captain Bob is the rotund, gener-at home.He has seen this Sydney native earlier inous, and easygoing Tahitian jailor at the Calaboozathe day and thought her by far the most beauti- Beretanee.Bob is an old man, but not so old asful white woman he has seen in Polynesia.Accord- to have known Captain Cook, as he casually pro-ing to an 1848 journal kept by a naval lieutenantclaims.A journal kept by a naval lieutenant namednamed Henry Augustus Wise, the real Mrs.Bell hadHenry Augustus Wise indicates that Bob was, inbecome addicted to drink by the time she met Mel- fact, a real person, but that he was dead by 1848.ville.According to Edward T.Perkins s Na Motu; or,Reef-Rovings in the South Seas: A Narrative of Adven- Bungs The cooper aboard the Julia.Bungs andtures at the Hawaiian, Georgian, and Society IslandsChips, the ship s carpenter, are devoted to the bottle, 176 Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seasand together they devise a scheme to literally tap into Darby and Joan This loving old couple offers thethe whaler s stores of spirits.Bungs signs the circular narrator and Long Ghost some generous Polyne-round-robin petition, but he is the only one of the sian hospitality during their journey to see Queensignatories who agrees to resume his duties on the Pomare.Long Ghost dubs the couple Darby andship and therefore does not form part of the pack of Joan, giving them the archetypal name of such a mutineers hauled off to prison.pair taken from an 18th-century English ballad.Bungs is also a minor character in WHITE-JACKET,where he is again cast as a cooper, or barrel maker Farnoopoo Farnoopoo is one of three lovely Poly-(the name almost dictates that this be his role).nesian damsels whom the narrator and Long GhostAfter an argument with Scrimmage, a sheet-anchor meet on the beach near Imeeo.Her name translatesman, about the proper making of buoys, Bungs has as  Night-born, and in company with Farnowarthe bad luck to fall overboard.His poorly made ( Day-born ) and Marhar-Rarrar ( Wakeful orbuoys do not save him.While Melville was serving  Bright-eyed ), she prefigures the three sister Poly-aboard the UNITED STATES, a cooper named David syllables, or Vowels, A, I, and O, in MARDI.Black was similarly lost when he fell overboard, thusproviding one basis for the story of Bungs.Farnowar Farnowar is one of three lovely Poly-nesian damsels whom the narrator and LongCalabooza Beretanee When most of the crew of Ghost meet on the beach near Imeeo.Her namethe Julia sign a round robin of complaints and refuse translates as  Day-born, and in company withto resume their duties, they are first taken aboard a Farnoopoo ( Night-born ) and Marhar-RarrarFrench man-of-war, then detained in the jail, the ( Wake ful or  Bright-eyed ), she prefigures theCalabooza (from a slang word,  calaboose, mean- three sister Polysyllables, or Vowels, A, I, and O,ing dungeon) Beretanee ( British ) in Papeetee.in MARDI.The sailors incarceration is something of a lark, asthe sailors are only  locked up at night with their Guy, Captain The sickly captain of the Julia isfeet placed between two logs; during the day they despised by his crew, who refuse to honor his com-are allowed to roam freely about the town.mand.He is based on Henry Ventom, captain ofthe LUCY-ANN, on which Melville sailed to TahitiChips ( Beauty ) The ship s carpenter aboard the in 1842.Julia.A decidedly ugly individual, he also carries thenickname  Beauty. Together with his cohort, Bungs, Hardy, Lem Hardy is an Englishman who hasthe cooper, Chips manages to indulge his taste for  gone native on La Dominica in the MARQUESAS,liquor by literally tapping into the ship s stores.Like where he leads a small  army of natives [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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