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.Arnold is pleased to be a part of the show andbelieves that television lacked a program like Everybody HatesChris, which emphasizes family values and old-fashioned par-enting. Television needs this show right now, Arnold said. It s heartfelt.The two other siblings on the show have different namesfrom any of Rock s real-life siblings.The sitcom brother s nameis Drew, played by Tequan Richmond, and the sitcom sister sname is Tanya, played by Imani Hakim.Drew is younger thanhis brother, Chris, but is taller and more at ease around girls.Tanya is the baby of the family who always gets her way.Rock and his longtime collaborator and friend, Ali LeRoi(who is also an executive producer), came up with the premisefor the show and wrote the premiere episode.The show uses ahoping it would be like this because that never happens.Kids don t talkback to parents and get away with it and get a hug, said Tyler JamesWilliams, who plays Chris, in Jet magazine. Guys love their wives.It does happen.It s not all Al Bundy, said Crewsin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Here s the thing that separates this from every other show of thistype that you ve seen: You know how the story ends.& We know that[the young Chris character] became Chris Rock, this acerbic, wry, andcaustic comedian.What turned him into this guy? Where did he getthe point of view that informs those observations? What was it abouthis mother and father and this difficult landscape, these experiences,that shaped him? For one thing he had a strong nuclear family, whichis something that set him apart from the rest of his crowd.Does thatmean everything in the show is using his particular experiences?Does he really have a hundred stories that are interesting enoughfor a series? Well, there might be 30.So we ll be using some poeticlicense.We re gonna fill in the gaps, said co-creator Ali LeRoi in TheNew York Times. 78CHRIS ROCKteam of writers to create the scripts.LeRoi manages the writersand crew and calls the shots on the set.Rock and LeRoi have aunique ability to combine three kinds of comedy into the showand make them all work: realistic comedy (humorous incidentsthat happen in everyday life); wit and insight (Rock s narrationvoice-over heard off and on throughout the show); and theabsurd (fantasy and dream sequences).In an interview with TheCincinnati Post, LeRoi said,  We re just taking real situations asmuch as we can and trying to find the comedy, as opposed totrying to manufacture comedy out of artifice.When critics and advertisers previewed the show in May,they were impressed.The show generated much hype and inter-est.UPN did what it could to promote its new show, spendingaround 13 million dollars in marketing, which is more thantwice what it normally spends on new sitcoms.The season opened on September 22, 2005.Everybody HatesChris was shown during one of the hottest time slots on prime-time: on Thursday night against Survivor: Guatemala, Joey, andAlias.Nonetheless, Everybody Hates Chris was a big hit.UPN hadits highest rating ever for a sitcom; 7.8 million viewers tuned into watch the series premiere.More people watched EverybodyHates Chris that night than watched Joey.Even though the totalnumber of viewers dropped 22 percent from its premiere to thesecond week, the show has given UPN a solid spot in the com-petitive Thursday-night lineup.Everybody Hates Chris appeals to all ages.The show has beencompared to The Cosby Show and The Wonder Years.Criticsliked it because it was nice (the characters love and respect oneanother) without being preachy or forced.Critics called it oneof the best sitcoms to depict what it is like to grow up poorsince Roseanne.After a sensational premiere, UPN agreed to 9 additionalepisodes of the show from its initial order of 13 episodes.Thatensured Everybody Hates Chris a full season of 22 episodes.Inaddition, the Parents Television Council placed the show on its 79The Big Screen and the Small ScreenTichina Arnold, who plays the mother, Rochelle, on Everybody HatesChris, accepts the award for best new series at the Seventh AnnualFamily Television Awards in Beverly Hills, California.Tyler James Wil-liams, who plays Chris on the show, holds the award.With them onstage are (from left) Terry Crews (who plays the father, Julius), VincentMartella (Greg), executive producer Ali LeRoi, Imani Hakim (Tanya), andTequan Richmond (Drew).annual list of the best prime-time shows for family viewing.Rock enjoys his work on his new sitcom.He spends most of histime with the director, quietly watching the show s progress andoffering his input when needed. I just wanted to show a normal happy family, Rock saidin an interview with Jet magazine. There aren t a lot of poorpeople on TV, and it s kind of interesting to see a poor familytrying to make it. 1010Philanthropy With a SmileOn August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the east coast ofFlorida, just north of Miami.Four days later, the eye of thehurricane hit Louisiana early in the morning.A few hourslater, much of the levee system in New Orleans failed, causingLake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River to flood nearlyall of New Orleans.The hurricane damaged coastal regions ofLouisiana as well as Mississippi and Alabama.More than 1,000people died as a result of the hurricane [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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